Friday, 11 September 2009

Shortlisted Photos in competition

Thought it would be nice to post the shortlisted images from the Elephant Bed photo competition, which I blogged about earlier. Will post some more thoughts on how it worked soon. Along with the winner of course.

Sara Ingman

Jo Stevenson

Adrian Powter

Adrian Powter

Perry French

Maura Hamer

Emma Gray

Perry French

Joe Wilkins

Mark Barkaway


Lauren said...

Wow, these are brilliant. I'm glad I didn't get mine back in time to enter - I would have been put to shame!

Anonymous said...

very nice photos. must have been hard to pick just one!

Laurence said...

Hi Amy,

We had such a great response. It was very difficult to shortlist actually. I was glad that the final choice the winner for went to a vote. I'm looking forward to doing it again next time we have a suitable show.
